Wedding Vows- How to?
traditional vows available for you to review. When you and your fiance go through them, make sure you pick the ones that sound best for the pair of you!
Faith Based: Depending on your faith/belief system/religion, select ones, or create ones that encompass those beliefs and how that affects your commitment to one another. Examples of faith based vows for your review.
Create your own: This is always a wonderful way to customize a typical wedding ceremony. However, should you create your own, remember to include PROMISES. Sometimes couples will just go on about how much they love the other, which is totally fine, but not necessarily a vow. Another piece of advice, should you decide to make your vows a surprise to one another, make sure your word count is within the same boundary. You’d hate to get up there and say a handful of words, and then hear that your partner has read an entire novel, right?
History nerdy-ness: Wedding vows started in the 1500’s in England. It is noted that the couple could promise each other to ‘love and cherish’ or (get this) the groom promises to ‘love, cherish, and worship‘ while the bride would promise to ‘love, cherish, and obey.‘ I think we’ve heard the ‘obey’ piece before, but, the ‘worship’ part was news to me! I like the ring to that 😉
And lastly, we leave you with an adorable idea to do with your wedding vows! Regardless of what you choose to vow, it’s great to remember them on a daily basis!
Right now you’re problem thinking, ‘oh yeah, we have to do those too.’ Honestly, try not to think about these until you schedule your meeting with the officiant, way down the road in the planning process. So if you just got engaged, save this read for later 🙂
The main thing to decide when it comes to vows are: Traditional? Faith Based? Or Create your own?
Traditional: There are tons of different formats of